Charlaine Harris Answers Questions About “Dead and Gone” and More

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We recently had the opportunity to a Q & A session with Charlaine Harris about her new addition to the Southern Vampire collection, Dead and Gone, as well as some of her other book series’.

1.  I’ve read that you’re a fan of True Blood. With all the deviations Alan Ball has taken from your book, which change do you like the best?

Making Tara a woman of color. I should have done that in the first place.

2.  Do you have a favorite character on True Blood? Is that favorite different than your favorite in the books?

I can’t possibly pick a favorite. I think all the actors are doing such a fantastic job. I know this sounds very brown-nosey, but it’s true.

3.  Is there a particular scene from Living Dead in Dallas that you are curious to see how it looks on screen in Season Two?

Yes, the scene where Godfrey meets the sun. I don’t know if that’s going to be included in the series, but it’s one of my favorite scenes I’ve written.

4.  How do you feel about the music they have chosen for the show?

Isn’t it great? I love to listen to see what they’ll use. I got to meet the music director, and Jace Everett, at the premier. I got to tell them in person how much I was enjoying their work.

5.  Have you entertained any thoughts on writing ‘spin-off’s’ for some of the other characters in Sookie’s world? If so, who?

No, Sookie takes up a lot of my time as it is. Maybe when I feel the series is drawing to a close, I’ll think about that.

6.  Do you have a specific scheme in mind about how Sookie came by her telepathy, or is it just a random phenomenon in the world you have created?

That remains to be seen.

7.  Do you know how many books you are going to write in the Southern Vampire series?

No, I’m not sure. I have enough material for three more after Sookie 10, I think.

8.  Have you already thought out the end and how you are going to get there, or do you get new ideas when you start writing a new book?

Yes, I’ve thought out the end, but I don’t know how I’m going to get there. I get new ideas all the time.

9.  What is Jason’s ultimate purpose in the books? He seems to do nothing more than cause more problems for Sookie.

Sookie needs some living family, and he’s what she’s stuck with. I like writing Jason, having known quite a few guys who qualify for Jason-dom. And they’re always a lot of trouble.

10. How much more of Sookie’s ancestry will we explore?

There are developments in DEAD AND GONE.

11. Will we see and find out more of her Grandfather soon?

You mean her great-grandfather, Niall? Yes, you will.

12. Can you drop us any tidbits on the upcoming Harper Connelly book?

Hmmm. Well, Harper and Tolliver go to see their younger siblings in the Dallas area, since Harper’s been hired to do a job in Texas for a millionaire and her sister and brother. But the family isn’t too happy with Harper’s discovery, and Harper’s aunt isn’t too happy that Harper and Tolliver are a couple.

13. We understand that you are busy with Sookie and wrapping up Harper’s story, as well as family affairs, but we have to ask: are there any new stories with new characters on a burner somewhere? As fans of your writing, we look forward to everything you do.

Yes, I’m thinking about a new novel. I don’t know how far I’ll go with the planning, but it’s always fun to consider a new project.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, Ms. Harris. We look forward to Dead and Gone and the new Harper book, and we wish you all the best!   Thanks back at you.

Over-night fan (almost literally) of the Sookie Stackhouse series since early 2008. Co-owner of Anxiously anticipating season 6.