True Blood Spikes on Twitter

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I’m addicted to graphs and charts and statistics, which can lead me down some odd bunny trails online (also, Graph Jam is a great way to waste time!). Today I ran across a graph from One Riot comparing mentions of True Blood to mentions of Twilight on Twitter. The lines are fairly even with Twilight generally a couple of points higher than True Blood, until June 15 when True Blood spikes into the stratosphere. I guess we had a lot to say the day after the season premiere!

In case you were wondering, traffic here at also shot up on June 15, as it does every Monday after a new episode of True Blood. Tens of thousands of fans stop by to squee over the show with us, which is just beyond awesome and makes for some graph-reading fun.

Fan of the Southern Vampire Mysteries since 2001, and co-admin of since 2008. Team Sookie!