TwiCon Offering Day Passes

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We have exciting news from the fine folks at TwiCon! Due to popular request, TwiCon will now offer day passes! DAY PASSES WILL GO ON SALE THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 4. Day passes are a great way to attend TwiCon for your favorite theme day or fandom activities. Quantities for day passes are limited! General admission registration is still available and a very small number of platinum packages at each TwiCon are also available. Please note: Day passes include one autograph. If you purchase 2 day passes, for example, you will receive 2 autographs, but only one per day. Day passes will go on sale this week. Look for an announcement on TwiCon‘s site, Facebook and Twitter. If you don’t follow them on Facebook or Twitter, be sure to do so!

If you just want to join us for Monte Carlo (Las Vegas) or Volturi Masque Ball (Ottaway), or are interested in bringing a date, you may purchase tickets separately.

TwiCon Las Vegas Monte Carlo Formal: $69, includes food
TwiCon Ottawa Volturi Masque Ball: $59, includes food

Sign ups for autographs, photographs, meet and greets and other paid opportunities will be available approximately 6-8 weeks prior to the event.

Don ‘t forget! General attendee packages start at $179 and Platinum packages, which include all autographs, priority seating, 2 photographs and more start at $349. Have merchandise or goods for sale? Be a vendor at TwiCon! Booths start at only $299.

Pricing for day passes and complete details can be found on TwiCon’s website.

Over-night fan (almost literally) of the Sookie Stackhouse series since early 2008. Co-owner of Anxiously anticipating season 6.

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