SPOILERS: Get Ready For Sex & Violence on True Blood

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Sounds like True Blood season 3 starts off with a bang. A few bangs, actually. EW’s Ausiello has some scoop on the first three episodes in this week’s spoiler column:

Question: You were such a good host at last night’s True Blood Ultimate Fan Experience. I only wish it could’ve gone on longer! —@42_theanswer
That’s what she said. [Beat] The good news? The party continues in Ask Ausiello in the form of this bloody good spoiler: I have it on good authority that episode 3 contains one of the most, ahem, twisted sex scenes in television history. Scratch that. I’m fairly certain it will go down as the most, ahem, twisted sex scene in television history.

Question: The True Blood premiere is 10 days away — scoop me! —Jason
What if I told you that at least three major characters will be shot in the forehead early in the season? What if I also told you there was a catch? Hit the comments with your answers!

Fan of the Southern Vampire Mysteries since 2001, and co-admin of True-Blood.net since 2008. Team Sookie!