What Does Ruby Jean Know?

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In last Sunday Night’s episode, “Night on the Sun“, Ruby Jean makes a comment about Lafayette having “the power”. This has sparked a lot of very interesting conversation, speculation and debate among Truebies this week.

Some feel that Lafayette is just fine the way he is, without powers of any kind; just being one of the few humans on the show who’s character alone is power enough. This is the category I find myself leaning more toward. I think it’s called strength of character, which in my opinion, Lafayette has in abundance.

Some fans think he is a warlock. I think we would have seen some evidence of this already. It doesn’t seem to me that Alan Ball springs stuff like that on us without warning. There are always clues that lead up to a revelation of someone’s power. Even Sookie shooting lightening bolts out of her fingers, while being a bit of a surprise to us, we still knew there was something more to her than her telepathy. Bill knew it when he first met her.

Some have mentioned that Lafayette could be some sort of spiritual leader; a shaman or witch doctor. It would be easy to go that route, if you take a look at the statues in his house and the cigarillos he like to smoke. True-Blood.net forum member, Sanctified, goes into more detail about that in this post here. Could it all be voodoo practices that he has mastered?

A few fans have suggested that Eric’s blood, which he gave Lafayette last season, could have more of an effect than we know about yet. If we were to recall what Bill said to Sookie once, this could be. Bill once told her that vampires are made of magic. Could Eric’s blood have enhanced something dormant in Lafayette?

Ruby Jean appears to be suffering from schizophrenia, but is she really? What if she can perceive things that other people cannot, but hides what she knows because no one believes her? It seemed to me, in last week’s episode, that she had a moment of complete lucidity when she made those comments about Lafayette. She also seemed afraid for him and that makes me afraid.

Forum members have been talking about a Chekhov’s Gun theory being used. Sanctified explains this theory as “basically the idea that if you show a gun on stage in the first act, make damn sure someone fires that gun in the second or third act.” Is this what Alan Ball and the writers have done?

Maybe we will find out more (or all) in tonight’s episode, “Everything Is Broken”. Maybe tonight we’ll see that gun fired.

Over-night fan (almost literally) of the Sookie Stackhouse series since early 2008. Co-owner of True-Blood.net. Anxiously anticipating season 6.