Book Review: Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton

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Angelfire is a Young Adult novel, so I placed it in the capable hands of a young adult. Mikayla is my 14-year old daughter who loves to read, and dabbles in writing her own stories. Book stores and libraries are her candy store. Her current interest runs to the paranormal, so I’m indulging her. I can’t think of anyone more qualified to review this book.

Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton

Angelfire takes place in the Detroit suburb called Bloomfield Hills. It is full sword-fighting, and adventure, romance, horror, and mystery.

This book is about a 17 year old girl named Ellie, who discovers that she is no ordinary teenager attending high school, shopping with her friends and crushing on boys. Horrible dreams have frightened her for as long as she can remember. When one of her teachers is brutally murdered, her nightmares become real, and Ellie must learn to battle the creatures that are hunting her.

Will is the strange but very cute new boy that seems to be following Ellie around. At first, Ellie is completely confused and curious about Will. Why is he always watching her? He seems to recognize her, and worse, she feels something very familiar about him as well. As Ellie gets to know Will more, he helps teach her how to fight against the evil that lurks in the world. Creatures called Reapers. With Will’s help, Ellie discovers that she has hidden powers and learns how to use and control them. Their friendship quickly grows very strong and Ellie discovers that her feelings for Will go beyond friendship.

I liked this story because it was full of action, horror, and love. Plus, Ellie is really, really cool, with her two magic swords and her power. This story made me feel scared, and happy.  I thought it was the most action-packed book that I had read so far. This is the first in a new trilogy by Ms. Moulton, and I can’t wait to read the next book.



Over-night fan (almost literally) of the Sookie Stackhouse series since early 2008. Co-owner of Anxiously anticipating season 6.