Rutina Wesley Reveals Her Martha Stewart Tendencies

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Rutina Wesley was a guest on Living Today, a radio program on Martha Stewart’s radio network, and answered five questions about herself, including her own Martha Stewart tendencies, her favorite app, and more!

“Living Today”: What’s the one ‘Martha’ thing about you that only your good friends know?
Rutina Wesley: When I’m cleaning, I have those little purple gloves with the polka-dots on them, folded down. I love to clean

LT: If you’re stuck on a long flight, who would you hope sits next to you that you could talk with?
RW: Mary-Louise Parker! I would love for her to be on our show. She could be the queen! I would love that!

LT: What’s your favorite app right now?
RW: Oh ‘Fruit Ninja!’ I am hooked! I am totally hooked!

LT: What’s your favorite type of workout?
RW: Pilates. It just works out the entire body. Everything hurts…like everything hurts. The results are fast, it’s right away. I just love my trainer, she is amazing. You need to nourish your body and love your body and you just get so much out of it.

LT: What’s your favorite song of all time?
RW: Well, my favorite musical is “Fame,” but my favorite song is “Defying Gravity” from “Wicked” – I just adore Idina Menzel. That song has gotten me through so many hard times in life, and it just reminds you that all things are possible and whatever is meant to be will be.

(Hear more from Rutina in the full interview…)


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