Take the First Annual True Blood Fan Survey

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True Blood fans are an opinionated bunch, and we’re not afraid to say what we like and don’t like about our show. Now that season 4 has wrapped, we thought it would be both fun and interesting to conduct a formal survey of fan reactions to this season of True Blood.

Please be sure to read each question carefully and remember that 10 always means MOST and 1 always means LEAST when you’re asked to rank your choices. This survey will be open until 11:45PM Pacific on Friday, October 7, allowing fans plenty of time to respond. We’ll share the results with you a few days afterward to see how your view of True Blood stacks up with other fans!

Take the True Blood Fan Survey

Fan of the Southern Vampire Mysteries since 2001, and co-admin of True-Blood.net since 2008. Team Sookie!